Facilitating Transformational Journeys Course – Extended Edition (Postponed To Late 2025)
Learning with Wisdom for a Transforming World
H3Uni is a new enterprise for transformative human learning.
We offer you or your team practitioners, methods that facilitate regenerative responses to urgent global issues affecting your local communities and organisations.
H3Uni stands for respectful, open-ended enquiry and collaborative learning, informed by and including the natural world that surrounds and sustains us.
Explore and expand with us in the creative space of the future that we call the third horizon, our vision of a different kind of relationship between humans, life and the planet.
What is the third horizon?
In brief, the third horizon represents your best depiction of a thriving, healthy, happy and sustainable future. It can be in the context of a family, a business, a community, or our planet Earth, depending on the focus of your enquiry and the chosen timespan of your project.
Find out more…
Events and Activities
Our Courses, Cafes and Labs and Webinars delve deep into the big challenges of today
Our Resource Library offers a collection of practical tools and methods to facilitate transformation
H3 Ideas
Explore thinking around the third horizon through books, papers and recordings
Meet like-minds
Our Learning Practitioner groups bring together creative and inquiring minds with purpose
How can H3Uni support your practice?
If you share our values then consider:
- What is your need right now?
- What do you need to prepare for?
- How clear is your purpose?
- How can you engage others to discover pathways to a worthwhile future?
Join with us to collaboratively create positive change in ourselves and our communities
We are a learning network of practitioners in many fields of transformative work who are co-creating planetary patterns of living based on cultivating vision, embracing complexity and sharing discovery in action.
If you share these values:
Join with us to collaboratively create positive change in ourselves and our communities
Sign up to receive information on upcoming courses, webinars and developments.
"Ultimately, when we talk about sustainability from a whole systems design perspective, what we are trying to sustain is not just the future of the human species but also the pattern of ecologically interdependencies and planetary health upon which the fate of our own and so many other species depends.”
Daniel Wahl
"We are entering a crucial time in our history. In coming decades we’ll come upon one critical junction after another in rapid succession. The choices we make and the paths we choose at each junction will be irreversible. The stakes are as high as they can get.”
Thomas Homer-Dixon
“Future generations, if there is a liveable world for them, will look back at the epochal transition we are making to a life-sustaining society. And they may well call this the time of the Great Turning.”
Joanna Macey
“The only effective action is that which touches the minds and not the material natures of men.”
“New thinking starts with greater insight into the transformation that ushers in a new world in place of the old. But for new thinking to be effective, we should have some idea of what it involves. Just what kind of a process is the birthing of a new world?”
Erwin Laszlo
“Changing the way we think means continually shifting our point of orientation. We must make time to look inward: to be, aware of, and study, the tacit “truth” that we take for granted, the ways we create knowledge and make meaning in our lives, and the aspirations and expectations that govern what we choose from life.”
Peter Senge et al