The Lighthouse Café & The H3 Laboratory
A relaxed space to meet and explore significant ideas and themes
in a welcoming atmosphere, with people from around the world.
What on earth is a << lighthouse cafe >>?
The lighthouse café is about mindful exchange of different perspectives. We are not seeking consensus, and it is not a pedagogical exercise or lecture. Rather we are seeking a generative dialogue exploration in hopes of creating something that was not there at the beginning, for and by everyone together.
Some suggestions for letting this happen
- Arrive a bit early to ensure that everyone can get connected and present.
- Remember, every Lighthouse Café is an experiment,
- Use gallery-view instead of speaker-view on Zoom, this is better for remaining part of the group especially when speaking.
- Balance listening and speaking. Honouring the space and all voices in it: a breath between speakers. Some people may need to know that no one else is speaking before they can speak, so we leave space. Silence is our friend. •
- It’s a conversation, everyone takes the initiative to contribute.
- Each person speaks from “I” … avoiding “we” ; take it as an exercise if nothing else.
- Memory work-out: who has spoken? Who has not?
The Café is asking you Questions
- What about this topic are you uncomfortable with? What are your areas of uncertainty as well as curiosity?
- What might your expertise blind you to? What alternative perspectives would you value hearing?
- What do you think might be true here, but you have no evidence for it? What does your intuition/gut say?
- What have you reconsidered in light of today’s explorations? How has your position shifted? Where is the new centre of gravity?
- After focusing on what this thing is or is not, consider what it means and how that is of value?
- After a minute of quiet contemplation, what new thoughts come to mind?
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